

Publikasi Baru di Jurnal My Food Research

Senang sekali bisa berkesempatan untuk berkontribusi sebagai co-author bersama Ibu Putri Widyanti Harlina, S.Pt., M.Si., M.Eng., Ph.D. dan ...

Senin, 08 Januari 2024

Publikasi Baru di Jurnal My Food Research

Senang sekali bisa berkesempatan untuk berkontribusi sebagai co-author bersama Ibu Putri Widyanti Harlina, S.Pt., M.Si., M.Eng., Ph.D. dan Bapak Rahel Shahzad untuk review jurnal berjudul "The Challenging Concept of Diversifying non-rice Products from Cassava by Changing Indonesian People's Behavior and Perception" yang telah tersedia secara online di Jurnal My Food Research vol. 7 issue 5. Silakan untuk dibaca, disitasi sebermanfaat mungkin.

doi: https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.7(5).962



Cassava is a popular crop in Indonesia and is known as local food from east Indonesia. It has gained popularity across the country due to its widespread cultivation and abundant carbohydrate content. In contrast to its potential, the Indonesian populace continues to predominantly consume rice, which is associated with health risks like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks due to its high glycemic index. This review aimed to assess the feasibility of a diversified approach to address this issue by capitalizing on cassava's versatility. Through a comprehensive analysis, we explore how strategic collaboration between the government, farmers, food scientists, and society could foster a shift from rice-centric diets to a broader range of cassava-based products. Advanced technological methods are examined as enablers of efficient food diversification. By highlighting the significance of internal and external strategies, including the introduction of novel cassava products such as kasoami, kaopi, tiwul, and cassava flour, we propose a multifaceted approach to decrease rice dependency while promoting dietary diversity and improved health outcomes for the Indonesian population.

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